Vasillis Papathanasiou
2013-Feb-13 09:02 UTC
[R] post hoc comparisons of the interaction of factors
Hi everyone, I'm running the following analysis for two meadows and two periods. I need to get the post hoc comparisons for the combination of the two factors (meadowA*PeriodA, meadowA*PeriodB, meadowB*PeriodB, meadowB*PeriodA). I use the function glht glht(model, linfct=mcp(Meadow="Tukey") in order to get results just for the meadow factor. However I need to get the results for both Meadow*Period. Does anyone know how to do this? Thank you in advance, Vasillis lme(Yield~1+Meadow*Period, random=~1|Site/Area/Quadrate, control = lmeControl( maxIter = 10000, # Of course msMaxIter = 5000, # it helps niterEM = 500, # to be msMaxEval = 500, # patient! msVerbose = TRUE, # Loquacity ... opt = "optim" # Optional, and # often useful ),data=Data, weights=varPower(), correlation=corRatio(form=~1|Site/Area/Quadrate,nugget=T), method="ML")->model Vasillis Papathanasiou, Marine SciencesPalaion Fokon 35-37Thessaloniki, 54454Greecetel:+306945874855 [[alternative HTML version deleted]]