On Mon, Jan 7, 2013 at 4:29 PM, Martin <Lhopm at gmx.net>
wrote:> Dear all.
> First of all, my english isn't verry good, but I hope I can convey my
> I've a general question about the Amelia algorithm. I'm no
mathematician or
> statistician, but I had to use R and impute and analyse some data, and
> showed results that fitted my expectations. I'll have to defend my
choice soon,
> but I haven't totally grasped what Amelia does. I'm particularly
interested in a
> simple as possible explanation in how Amelia imputation works. I've
read that it
> uses a bootstrapping-based algorithm, but how does it chose the values?
> The data had mainly value >0 (chemical concentrations, water temperature
> pH-value).
> Regards Martin
I'm pretty new here, but a quick google search suggests that perhaps
http://gking.harvard.edu/amelia (and maybe google translate)
might have some decent pointers for you.
I poked at the documentation from that site (a pdf file), and it's
quite intense on
the mathematics, you may get more from it than I could. there's also
a link there
to a separate, for thisspecific package/algorithm (it seems to be
called Amel ia II,
I'm assuming this is the same that you used, if I'm off .. sorry about
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