Hi all, I am using JRI with the XTS library. Rengine rEngine = new Rengine(new String [] {/*"--vanilla"*/}, false, null); rEngine.eval("library(xts)"); When I create an xts object, using previously assigned double/date arrays with roughly 5000 elements, the eval method needs very long (up to a minute) to return. I would like to understand what is going on, but I find no log/error information. rEngine.eval("myTs = xts(valuesArray, order.by=datesArray)"); Of course, doing the same directly in RStudio runs smoothly. Any idea? Thank you in advance Massimo ________________________________ Disclaimer : Diese Mitteilung ist nur f?r die Empf?ngerin / den Empf?nger bestimmt. F?r den Fall, dass sie von nichtberechtigten Personen empfangen wird, bitten wir diese h?flich, die Mitteilung an die Z?rcher Kantonalbank zur?ckzusenden und anschliessend die Mitteilung mit allen Anh?ngen sowie allf?llige Kopien zu vernichten bzw. zu l?schen. Der Gebrauch der Information ist verboten. This message is intended only for the named recipient and may contain confidential or privileged information. If you have received it in error, please advise the sender by return e-mail and delete this message and any attachments. Any unauthorised use or dissemination of this information is strictly prohibited. [[alternative HTML version deleted]]