Hello, I have a written a couple of functions (states.trends(.) and
to create monthly aggregated time series from disaggregated data. They seem
to work pretty
fine with all the data I provide, but they give me the following error in
one the case I use
a particular table (per.after.sub):
> states.trends(per.after.sub,'CUST_SINCE')
Error in if (d.length%%d.length2 != 0) { :
missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed> traceback()
5: update.POSIXct(x, mdays = 1, hours = 0, minutes = 0, seconds = 0)
4: update(x, mdays = 1, hours = 0, minutes = 0, seconds = 0)
3: floor_date(x[[w]], "month") at #15
2: trend.generator(x, "STATE", vec.states[i, 1], y) at #4
1: states.trends(per.after.sub, "CUST_SINCE")
I use several tables:
1) full1, which contains data from 2009 to 2012
2) per2012.sub, which is a subset of full1 based on the criterion:
{ date_per = '2012-01-01'
date_per = as.POSIXct(date_per,tz='', "%Y-%m-%d")
per2012.sub = subset(full1, CUST_SINCE >= date_per) }
3) per.after.sub, which is a subset of full1 based on the criterion:
{ date_per1 = '2012-08-01'
date_per1 = as.POSIXct(date_per1,tz='',"%Y-%m-%d")
per.after.sub = subset(full1, CUST_SINCE >= date_per1) }
All the procedures works fine with the tables 'full1' and
'per2012.sub' but
it gives me the
error when using the table 'per.after.sub'. What has this data set
different from the other two ?
Can you help me ? Where can the error be ?
Thank you
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