Tammy Ma
2012-Nov-06 10:59 UTC
[R] How to read all table in r using dbreadTable, autimatically read in whenever I save new table in SQLite db
HI, I got the problem. I use the following query to read table individually, how can I read all tables autimatically rather than typing "week42" "week33" in dbReadTable? library(RSQLite) library(sqldf) drv <- dbDriver("SQLite") con<-dbConnect(drv, "sqlite.db") dbListTables(con) #dbRemoveTable(con, "week39") dbDisconnect(con) week42<- dbReadTable(con, "week_42") week33<- dbReadTable(con, "week33") week30<- dbReadTable(con, "week30") Another one is if I save new table in sqlite db, I hope R programs can autimatically read in the new table, how can I achieve it? Thanks. Tammy [[alternative HTML version deleted]]