Ah nice. I clearly misunderstood and thought that facet_wrap() made sense.
John Kane
Kingston ON Canada
> -----Original Message-----
> From: ruipbarradas at sapo.pt
> Sent: Wed, 31 Oct 2012 19:45:33 +0000
> To: dysonsphere23 at gmail.com
> Subject: Re: [R] boxplots of various levels
> Hello,
> Like this?
> library(ggplot2)
> set.seed(3101)
> mydata <- data.frame(
> BRCLNET = rnorm(1000),
> group = rep(c("1", "2"), each = 500),
> side = sample(c("Left", "Middle",
"Right"), 1000, replace = TRUE)
> ,
> dtime = rep(1:10, 100))
> p <- ggplot(mydata , aes(factor(dtime), BRCLNET, fill = side)) +
> geom_boxplot() +
> facet_grid(group~side)
> p
> Note that it's factor(dtime) and facet_grid(), not facet_wrap()
> Hope this helps,
> Rui Barradas
> Em 31-10-2012 17:33, dysonsphere escreveu:
>> ok this is close, thanks for your effort
>> i will be more specific about my data set now, maybe that will help.
>> there are 2 cats, labeled rs29 and rs30
>> there are a number of experimental results, i will make a graph set for
>> each one. for example we can look at the results of BRCLNET.
>> the tasks are devided into right middle and left
>> the tasks are performed over time 1 to 10.
>> i was a boxplot per cat per side (1 left 1 middle 1 right) over the
>> (1
>> to 10)
>> at this point I have adjusted the code you sent me to this:
>> mydata <- data.frame(BRCLNET, cat, side, group)
>> mydata then gives me a list of 4 columns: BRCLNET, cat, side, time
>> that is perfect
>> then:
>> ggplot(mydata , aes( group, BRCLNET, fill = cat ))+ geom_boxplot() +
>> + facet_wrap(~side)
>> this gives me a figure divided into 3 columns: LEFT MIDDLE RIGHT
>> with 2 boxes in each (RS29 and RS30). the yaxis is labeled BRCLNET and
>> the
>> xaxis is labeled time. but there is not a separate box for each time
>> point.
>> there are only 2 boxes per plot.
>> i would like to have six separate plots:
>> 1. LEFT RS29 BRCLNET over time (10 boxes)
>> 2. MIDDLE RS29 BRCLNET overtime (10 boxes)
>> .....
>> 6. RIGHT RS30 BRCLNET over time
>> thanks for your help
>> On Wed, Oct 31, 2012 at 8:16 AM, John Kane [via R] <
>> ml-node+s789695n4647989h85 at n4.nabble.com> wrote:
>>> I am not sure I understand exactly what you want but does this do
>>> anything
>>> like what you want?
>>> library(ggplot2)
>>> mydata <- data.frame(result = rnorm(100), group =
rep(c("1", "2"),
>>> each
>>> = 50),
>>> side = sample(c("L",
"R"), 100, replace = TRUE)
>>> ,
>>> dtime = rep(1:10, each=10))
>>> p <- ggplot(mydata , aes( group, result, fill = side ))+
>>> geom_boxplot()
>>> +
>>> facet_wrap(~dtime)
>>> p
>>> John Kane
>>> Kingston ON Canada
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: [hidden
>>>> Sent: Tue, 30 Oct 2012 11:21:49 -0700 (PDT)
>>>> To: [hidden
>>>> Subject: [R] boxplots of various levels
>>>> noob here
>>>> trying to make boxplots of some data
>>>> i would like to separate the boxplots according to conditons of
>>>> various
>>>> levels
>>>> for example:
>>>> i have
>>>> group:1 and 2, each group performed tests consisting of
>>>> condition A,B,C,D
>>>> side: left and right
>>>> time: 1 to 10
>>>> I would like separate boxplots of the results (x) of the tests
>>>> (numeric)
>>>> for
>>>> each group under each condition on each side over time.
>>>> so far i have set it up like this:
>>>> boxplot(test$x~test$time)
>>>> this gives me the plot for all vaues of x in each time bin.
>>>> i
>>>> would need a command that tells R to include only the data that
>>>> with
>>>> the group, condition, and side I set.
>>>> something like
>>>> boxplot(test$x~test$time) where
>>>> test$group=1,test$condition=A,test$side=left
>>>> can this be done?
>>>> --
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