A perhaps more "elegant" way to do it would be to use the ?layout
function rather than the ancient mfrow() to create space for both
titles and graphs. You could then e.g. "draw" your titles in the space
you created for titles.
-- Bert
On Wed, Oct 24, 2012 at 5:33 AM, Jean V Adams <jvadams at usgs.gov>
wrote:> Hannes,
> A bit inelegant, but it works. Try this:
> mtext("Overall Title Row 2", outer=TRUE, line=-17)
> mtext("Overall Title Row 3", outer=TRUE, line=-34)
> Jean
> capy_bara <hettling at few.vu.nl> wrote on 10/23/2012 09:08:39 AM:
>> Dear all,
>> I have a 3x2 plot and in addition to the title of the individual plots
>> would like to have an overall title
>> for each row. I managed to get an overall title for the whole plot
> matrix
>> with mtext:
>> par(mfrow=(c(3,2)), mar=c(6.4,4.5,4.2, 1.8), oma=c(0,0,3,0))
>> for (i in 1:6)
>> barplot(sample(1:10,5), main=paste("Plot #",i))
>> mtext("Overall Title Row 1", outer=TRUE)
>> but I cannot put an overall title in the middle above the titles of
>> plots in the second or third row.
>> If I use mtext within the loop, I can only add another title above an
>> individual plot.
>> I hope someone can help me, many thanks in advance
>> Hannes
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Bert Gunter
Genentech Nonclinical Biostatistics
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