On 12-10-11 6:05 PM, Rolf Turner wrote:>
> I wanted to put a certain string in sans serif font in an *.Rd file
> that I was writing. I tried {\sf ...} and \textsf{...} but both resulted
> in the warning "unknown macro". The manual on "Writing R
> seems to me to imply that one should be able to invoke such LaTeX
> macros (section 2.3):
>> Each of the above commands takes LaTeX-like input, so other macros may
>> be used within text.
> Is there something else I need to do to get this to work? Or some other
> to get sans serif?
> I would appreciate any pointers.
"LaTeX-like" refers to the way the parser works, it doesn't imply
all LaTeX macros are supported.
I think you have two ways to get what you want. You can look through
the available macros (listed in the Writing R Extensions manual, section
2.3) for something. Most of the macros describe the type of text,
rather than the formatting. \code{} or \verb{} might be what you're after.
The other choice, which works only for LaTeX output, is to say you want
some actual LaTeX macros. These would only be output when producing a
PDF of the help page. Then you really do have all of LaTeX at your
disposal. Doing that is described in 2.11 on conditional text.
Duncan Murdoch