Hey all, I was wondering if someone could tell me a way to remove the lines in my annoated BeadSummary Data file that have a PROBEQUALITY of "BAD" and "Match". They method they used in the Bead summary tutorial gives me the following error. Anyone have any ideas? Thanks in advance Will ids <- as.character(featureNames(BSData.norm)) qual <- unlist(mget(ids, illuminaHumanv4PROBEQUALITY, ifnotfound = NA)) table(qual) Bad Good Good*** Good**** No match Perfect 12376 1158 137 507 468 27335 Perfect*** Perfect**** 2911 2394 rem <- qual == "No match" | qual == "Bad" | is.na(qual) BSData.filt <- BSData.norm[!rem, ] I get the following error Error in FUN(X[[2L]], ...) : (subscript) logical subscript too long -- View this message in context: http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/Filtering-Beadarray-Summary-Data-tp4641442.html Sent from the R help mailing list archive at Nabble.com.