Try this ...
# provide the data you want to plot, and the desired range
mydat <- c(3.34, 3.28, 1.37, 1.12, 3.52, 4.07, 3.66)
myrange <- c(0, 5)
# create a data frame with the max and min as the first two rows
mydf <- data.frame(rbind(max=myrange[2], min=myrange[1], mydat))
# create a radar chart
radarchart(mydf, seg=5)
Mitra Rahmati <> wrote on 08/19/2012 06:17:17
> Hello
> I created a radar chart using the function of ?radarchart? from the
> ?fmsb? package in R software.
> The matrix I am using is as follows:
> x<-c(c(rep(4.5,7),c(rep(0,7)), 3.34, 3.28, 1.37, 1.12, 3.52, 4.07,
3.66));> a<-matrix(x,nrow=3, ncol=7,byrow=T)
> I would like to show the range of c(0,5) on the axis instead of
> c(0,100) or c(0,1).
> I really appreciate it if any body can guide me.
> Best regards,
> Mitra Rahmati
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