Are the output files already there?
In that case, try overwrite_layer=TRUE
Don MacQueen
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
7000 East Ave., L-627
Livermore, CA 94550
On 8/17/12 9:28 AM, "Scott Duke-Sylvester" <scottdukesylvester at>
>I have a quick question: It appears that in rgdal v0.7-12 (R version
>2.15.1, OSX 10.6.8) writeOGR will not write a shapefile the the
>current directory. Is this correct? An earlier version of rgdal must
>have allowed this because I have a older script that used to work, but
>doesn't now.
>So, as an example, here is what I get today:
>> shape = readOGR('.', layer='S20_G75_V00_HAASHP10_R00')
>OGR data source with driver: ESRI Shapefile
>Source: ".", layer: "S20_G75_V00_HAASHP10_R00"
>with 169 features and 23 fields
>Feature type: wkbPolygon with 2 dimensions
>> writeOGR(shape, '.', layer='temp', driver='ESRI
>Error in writeOGR(shape, ".", layer = "temp", driver =
"ESRI Shapefile") :
> Creation of output file failed
>> writeOGR(shape, '/tmp', layer='temp', driver='ESRI
>[1] "SpatialPolygonsDataFrame"
>[1] "/tmp"
>[1] "temp"
>[1] "ESRI Shapefile"
>[1] 169
>[1] 23
> [1] "ID" "ANID" "F_AREA"
"Avg_z" "Manning"
> [6] "IniWL" "IniSal" "DispCoeff"
"HydRad" "veg1_DW"
>[11] "veg2_IW" "veg3_SW" "veg4_DC"
"veg5_IC" "veg6_SC"
>[16] "veg7_Marsh" "veg8_Swamp" "Rain_StID"
"Wetland" "Openwater"
>[21] "iniBed_m" "maxH_m" "BoxID"
> [1] 0 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 2 2 2 2 4
>Scott M. Duke-Sylvester
>Assistant Professor
>Department of Biology
>Office : 300 E. St. Mary Blvd
> Billeaud Hall, Room 141
> Lafayette, LA 70504
>Mailing address : UL Lafayette
> Department of Biology
> P.O.Box 42451
> Lafayette, LA 70504-2451
>Phone : 337 482 5304
>Fax : 337 482 5834
>email : smd3729 at
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