Samuel Turgeon
2012-Aug-13 15:26 UTC
[R] predict.gam, a question about offset variable and spatial resolution
Dear all, I'm using predict.gam (mgcv package) to predict count data (y) from line transect to a regular grid. My model have this form: y=offset(log(x1*0.6))+s(x2)+s( x3)+s(x4), family=quasipoisson,... the offset is the area covered by a portion of a transect line (length(x1)*observation distance(0.6)). The length is almost always 1 km since I splitted the transect in 1 km segments. I have different length value only for the segments at the end of the transects. The observation distance is always the same. To predict on a regular grid (2 km * 2 km), using predict.gam, should I use the area of each cell or use 1 km for the offset variable x1? I obtained more logical result with x1=1 km in my prediction grid. Thanks [[alternative HTML version deleted]]