Humayera Islam
2012-Aug-02 20:07 UTC
[R] Can anyone explain me how to use genpoisson{VGAM} ? Its urgent please!
Dear All, I have some questions regarding using the genpoisson{VGAM} . genpoisson(llambda="elogit", ltheta="loge", elambda=if(llambda=="elogit") list(min=-1,max=1) else list(), etheta=list(), ilambda=NULL, itheta=NULL, use.approx=TRUE, method.init=1, zero=1) and I am understanding the part zero An integer vector, containing the value 1 or 2. If so, *λ* or *theta* respectively are modeled as an intercept only. If set to NULL then both linear/additive predictors are modelled as functions of the explanatory variables. For a simple generalized model like mu=exp(a+bx)=theta/(1-phi) which option to select 0/1/NULL. I am not getting the parameterization used here. PLease help! Thanks! [[alternative HTML version deleted]]