On Jul 31, 2012, at 9:01 AM, B787s wrote:
> Dear R-Help,
> I am using 'rms' package to draw nomogram. I wonder how is the
> "Points"
> determined for each predictor in the model? Is it by the coefficient
> estimate (beta) relative to the highest effect in the model or?
It would be better if you asked this question about a specific example
because the rms package has many sorts of regression fit-objects for
which nomogram will provide results. The linear predictor in a
regression method will have contributions from each of the terms, so I
would have said that the variate scales were being displayed relative
to the mean values rather than relative to the "highest effect" ...
what ever that term means to you.
The upper portion of a nomogram is used to calculate "Points", while
the lower portion is used to calculate probability of event by
transforming from the linear predictor scale to the response scale. A
unit-increment in "Points" displayed by 'plot.nomogram' for
variate will be related to a unit increment of another variate by the
ratios of their coefficients.
> Thanks
> Lin
David Winsemius, MD
Alameda, CA, USA