Dear List, how can I draw the following path diagram A B C D E F \ | / \ | / G <--> H / \ / \ I J K L the problem I've got is that G and H need to be horizontally alingned but the best I've done is diagonally or vertically alingned, kind regards, Rene ## Begin: R-code #source("") #biocLite("Rgraphviz") library(Rgraphviz) library("graph") # observed x ox=c('RParAsp', 'RIQ', 'RSES','FSES', 'FIQ', 'FParAsp') # observed y oy=c('ROccAsp', 'REdAsp', 'FOccAsp', 'FEdAsp') # latend l=c('FGenAsp','RGenAsp') # pure nodes in a line l1 <- new("graphNEL", nodes = c(ox,oy,l), edgemode = "directed") plot(l1, "dot") l1 <- addEdge("RParAsp", "RGenAsp", l1) l1 <- addEdge("RIQ", "RGenAsp", l1) l1 <- addEdge("RSES", "RGenAsp", l1) l1 <- addEdge("FParAsp", "FGenAsp", l1) l1 <- addEdge("FIQ", "FGenAsp", l1) l1 <- addEdge("FSES", "FGenAsp", l1) l1 <- addEdge("FGenAsp", "FOccAsp", l1) l1 <- addEdge("FGenAsp", "FEdAsp", l1) l1 <- addEdge("RGenAsp", "ROccAsp", l1) l1 <- addEdge("RGenAsp", "REdAsp", l1) l1 <- addEdge("RGenAsp", "FGenAsp", l1) l1 <- addEdge("FGenAsp", "RGenAsp", l1) plot(l1, recipEdges="distinct") sub1 <- subGraph(ox, l1) sub2 <- subGraph(oy, l1) sub3 <- subGraph(l, l1) sublist <- list( list(graph=sub1, cluster = T) , list(graph=sub2, cluster = T), list(graph=sub3, cluster = T) ) plot(l1, subGList = sublist) globalattrs$graph <- list(rankdir = "LR") plot(l1, attrs = globalattrs) ## End: R-code