The code that you shared was incomplete. Two objects (plant_labels and
colors) were not defined.
The pie chart would be easier to interpret by direct labeling of slices,
rather than trying to decipher a color legend. If you change the initial
angle of the first slice, you can rotate the pie in such a way that the
slices can be labelled with the full plant names with no overlap, even
without using a smaller font.
plants <- c(11, 5, 4, 4, 4, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 43)
plant.names <- c("Rubiaceae", "Aspleniaceae",
"Piperaceae", "Acanthaceae",
"Dryopteridaceae", "Cucurbitaceae",
"Rutaceae", "Urticaceae", "Apocynaceae",
"Gramineae", "Labiatae",
"Leguminosae", "Menispermaceae", "Rest (50
par(mar=c(2, 4, 2, 4))
pie(plants, labels=plant.names, init.angle=45)
Michael Eisenring <michael.eisenring@gmx.ch> wrote on 07/27/2012 05:15:17
> Dear R-help members,
> I did the following pie chart:
> R:Code>
> plants<-c(11,5,4,4,4,3,3,3,3,3,3,2,2,2,2,2,2,43)
> pie(plants,labels =plant_labels,cex=0.7, col=colors)
> par(mar=c(0,0,4,0),oma=c(0,0,0,0))
> legend(1,1,cex=0.7,pt.cex=25, c
("Rubiaceae","Aspleniaceae","Compositae","Euphorbiaceae","Piperaceae","Acanthaceae","Dryopteridaceae","Cucurbitaceae","Rosaceae","Rutaceae","Urticaceae","Apocynaceae","Cyperaceae","Gramineae","Labiatae","Leguminosae","Menispermaceae","Rest> (50 families)"),fill=colors)
> As you can see the legend is not displayed proberly.
> 1)How can I move the pie chart as well as the legend together to the
> left? I tried to work with "mar" and "omar", without
any success.
> 2) How can I increase the legend font size without increasing the
> size of the "legend points"? I tried to do this with
"cex" and "pt.cex2
> Thank you very much
> all the best
> Michi
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