Sorry, I just found this to be a common "problem" of tri.mesh:
I had to "jitter" one of my first three coords in the point set:
x[2] <- x[2] + 0.01
Though, that does not seem to sound clean. Is there a better way?
2012/7/19 Erdal Karaca <>
> I am trying to triangulate a point set as follows:
> > head(cbind(x,y))
> x y
> [1,] -78.1444 -60.4424
> [2,] -78.1444 -58.4424
> [3,] -78.1444 -56.4424
> [4,] -78.1444 -54.4424
> [5,] -76.1444 -60.4424
> [6,] -76.1444 -58.4424
> > length(x)
> [1] 5000
> > tri <- tri.mesh(x, y)
> Fehler in tri.mesh(x, y) : error in trmesh
> > tri <- tri.mesh(x, y, "remove")
> Fehler in tri.mesh(x, y, "remove") : error in trmesh
> > tri <- tri.mesh(x, y, "strip")
> Fehler in tri.mesh(x, y, "strip") : error in trmesh
> Zusätzlich: Warnmeldung:
> In hist.default(i, plot = FALSE, freq = TRUE, breaks = seq(0.5, :
> argument 'freq' is not made use of
> What could be wrong here?
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