Dear Sir/ Madam, I was wondering if someone could help me. I am trying to calculate closeness centrality in R with a toy example: ida,idb 1,2 1,5 2,4 3,2 6,1 2,6 7,2 d<- read.table("D:/data test/snatest.txt", header=F, sep=",") attach(d) d e<-network(d,directed=F,bipartite=7) plot(e) d<-as.matrix(d,colnames=F) l<-graph.edgelist(d) summary(l) g <- graph(d,n=7) summary(g) closeness(g) The problem is whenever I look at the summary for l it says I have 8 vertices even though there should be only 7? Is it my code or am I using the wrong function. Kind Regards, Lorcan Treanor [[alternative HTML version deleted]]