On 12-07-14 7:54 PM, ???? wrote:> my system :debian
> in console:
> nano /home/tiger/R-2.15.1/etc/Rprofile.site
> here is my content:
> .First<- function(){
> cat("\nWelcome at", date(), "\n")
> }
> #
> .Last<- function(){
> cat("\nGoodbye at ", date(), "\n")
> }
> when i save it ,reopen my R ,
> why there is no
> Welcome at Sun Jul 15 07:53:58 2012
> in my R?
That works for me, so I'd guess you've put the changes in the wrong
place. What do you have in your R_PROFILE environment variable? What
about R_HOME? You should look at these from within R, using Sys.getenv().
Duncan Murdoch