Dear Researchers, I wrote two function to fit a circle using noisy data. 1- the fitCircle() is derived from MATLAB code of * zhak Bucher* from the link 2- the CircleFitByPratt() from MATLAB code of *Nikolai Chernov *from the link, based on: *V. Pratt, "Direct least-squares fitting of algebraic surfaces", Computer Graphics, Vol. 21, pages 145-152 (1987)* I am looking for new methods to compare and improve my analysis because the error increase with decreasing of points used in the functions. Thanks for all suggestions Gianni Here the funtions with example # fitCircle, returns: # xf,yf = centre of the fitted circle # Rf = radius of the fitted circle # Cf = circumference of the fitted circle # Af = Area of the fitted circle fitCircle <- function(x,y){ a = qr.solve(cbind(x,y,rep(1,length(x))),cbind(-(x^2+y^2))) xf = -.5*a[1] yf = -.5*a[2] Rf = sqrt((a[1]^2+a[2]^2)/4-a[3]) Cf = 2*pi*Rf Af = pi*(Rf^2) m <- cbind(xf,yf,Rf,Cf,Af) return(m)} # CircleFitByPratt, returns: # [,1] and [,2] = centre of the fitted circle # [,3] = radius of fitted cirlce CircleFitByPratt <- function(x,y){ n <- length(x) centroid <- cbind(mean(x),mean(y)) Mxx=0; Myy=0; Mxy=0; Mxz=0; Myz=0; Mzz=0; for(i in 1:n){ Xi <- x[[i]] - centroid[1] Yi <- y[[i]] - centroid[2] Zi <- (Xi*Xi) + (Yi*Yi) Mxy = Mxy + Xi*Yi; Mxx = Mxx + Xi*Xi; Myy = Myy + Yi*Yi; Mxz = Mxz + Xi*Zi; Myz = Myz + Yi*Zi; Mzz = Mzz + Zi*Zi; } Mxx = Mxx/n Myy = Myy/n Mxy = Mxy/n Mxz = Mxz/n Myz = Myz/n Mzz = Mzz/n # computing the coefficients of the characteristic polynomial Mz = Mxx + Myy; Cov_xy = Mxx*Myy - Mxy*Mxy; Mxz2 = Mxz*Mxz; Myz2 = Myz*Myz; A2 = 4*Cov_xy - 3*Mz*Mz - Mzz; A1 = Mzz*Mz + 4*Cov_xy*Mz - Mxz2 - Myz2 - Mz*Mz*Mz; A0 = Mxz2*Myy + Myz2*Mxx - Mzz*Cov_xy - 2*Mxz*Myz*Mxy + Mz*Mz*Cov_xy; A22 = A2 + A2; epsilon=1e-12; ynew=1e+20; IterMax=20; xnew = 0; # Newton's method starting at x=0 epsilon=1e-12; ynew=1e+20; IterMax=20; xnew = 0; iter=1:IterMax for (i in 1:IterMax){ yold = ynew; ynew = A0 + xnew*(A1 + xnew*(A2 + 4.*xnew*xnew)); if (abs(ynew) > abs(yold)){ print('Newton-Pratt goes wrong direction: |ynew| > |yold|') xnew = 0; break } Dy = A1 + xnew*(A22 + 16*xnew*xnew); xold = xnew; xnew = xold - ynew/Dy; if (abs((xnew-xold)/xnew) < epsilon) {break} if(iter[[i]] >= IterMax){ print('Newton-Pratt will not converge'); xnew = 0; } if(xnew < 0.){ print('Newton-Pratt negative root: x=',xnew); } } DET = xnew*xnew - xnew*Mz + Cov_xy; Center = cbind(Mxz*(Myy-xnew)-Myz*Mxy , Myz*(Mxx-xnew)-Mxz*Mxy)/DET/2; # computing the circle parameters DET = xnew*xnew - xnew*Mz + Cov_xy; Center = cbind(Mxz*(Myy-xnew)-Myz*Mxy , Myz*(Mxx-xnew)-Mxz*Mxy)/DET/2; Par = cbind(Center+centroid , sqrt(Center[2]*Center[2]+Mz+2*xnew)); return(Par) } #EXAMPLE library(plotrix) # Create a Circle of radius=10, centre=5,5 R = 10; x_c = 5; y_c = 5; thetas = seq(0,pi,(pi/64)); xs = x_c + R*cos(thetas) ys = y_c + R*sin(thetas) # Now add some random noise mult = 0.5; xs = xs+mult*rnorm(rnorm(xs)); ys = ys+mult*rnorm(rnorm(ys)); plot(xs,ys,pch=19,cex=0.5,col="red",xlim=c(-10,20),ylim=c(-10,20),asp=1) # real circle,y_c,radius=10,border="black") points(x_c,y_c,,pch=4,col="black") CPrat <- CircleFitByPratt(xs,ys)[1],CPrat[2],radius=CPrat[3],border="blue") points(CPrat[1],CPrat[2],pch=4,col="blue") MyC <- fitCircle(xs,ys)[1],MyC[2],radius=MyC[3],border="green") points(MyC[1],MyC[2],pch=4,col="green") # Select less points points(xs[20:49],ys[20:49]) MyC1 <- fitCircle(xs[20:49],ys[20:49])[1],MyC1[2],radius=MyC1[3],border="blue",lty=2,lwd=2) CPrat1 <- CircleFitByPratt(xs[20:49],ys[20:49])[1],CPrat1[2],radius=CPrat1[3],border="green",lty=2,lwd=2) points(CPrat[1],CPrat[2],pch=4,col="red") [[alternative HTML version deleted]]