As I recall, there is a package that can be used to create interactive svg
files. I don't remember its name, but I seem to recall it was fairly easy
to find on the CRAN packages page.
Don MacQueen
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
7000 East Ave., L-627
Livermore, CA 94550
On 6/17/12 7:01 PM, "Eder David Borges" <ederdbs at>
>I'd like to make an interactive graph like this:
>I believe he was done with the ggplot2 and saved in svg format. if someone
>has experience with this subject (graph interactive web) could give me a
>?der David Borges da Silva
>ederdbs at
>ederdbs at
>Skype: ederdbs
>041 96717488
>"Tudo ? Relativo"...(Albert Einstein)
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