See if the following function does it
# Round POSIXct date/time
round.POSIXct <- function(x, units = c("mins", "5 mins",
"10 mins", "15
mins", "quarter hours", "30 mins", "half
hours", "hours")){
if(is.numeric(units)) units <- as.character(units)
units <- match.arg(units)
r <- switch(units,
"mins" = 60,
"5 mins" = 60*5,
"10 mins" = 60*10,
"15 mins"=, "quarter hours" = 60*15,
"30 mins"=, "half hours" = 60*30,
"hours" = 60*60
H <- as.integer(format(x, "%H")
M <- as.integer(format(x, "%M"))
S <- as.integer(format(x, "%S"))
D <- format(x, "%Y-%m-%d")
secs <- 3600*H + 60*M + S
as.POSIXct(round(secs/r)*r, origin=D)
(x <- Sys.time() + 1:10*60)
round(x, "5 mins")
round(x, 5)
round(x, "10 mins")
round(x, "quarter")
round(x, "15 mins")
Hope this helps,
Rui Barradas
Em 09-06-2012 03:04, Phil Hurvitz escreveu:> I wanted to round rather than truncate timestamps
> # create a data set to work with
> s <- 30 * rnorm(10, 1, 0.1)
> gps.timestamp <- Sys.time() + s*1:10
> gps.timestamp <- c(round(gps.timestamp[1], "min"),
> as.POSIXct("2012-06-08 17:32:59"), as.POSIXct("2012-06-08
> f <- function(gps.timestamp=gps.timestamp, interval=30){
> # is the interval a multiple of 60? if so, just round
> if(interval %% 60 == 0){
> return(data.frame(gps.timestamp,
> gps.timestamp.round=round(gps.timestamp, "min")))
> }
> # a POSIXlt timestamp for fiddling with seconds
> lt <- as.POSIXlt(gps.timestamp)
> # extract rounded seconds from the timestamp
> gps.seconds <- round(lt$sec, 0)
> # the number of segments in a minute is 60/interval
> seg <- 60/interval
> # the cutpoints
> rounds <- c(0, 1:seg * interval)
> # the "midpoints" for cutting
> cuts <- c(-1, 1:seg * 60/seg - interval/2, 60)
> # and a numeric representation of the cut position
> # (the factor position, really)
> numcut <- as.numeric(cut(gps.seconds,cuts))
> # the rounded seconds (*not* truncated)
> round.seconds <- rounds[numcut]
> # truncate the date to the nearest low minute
> lt <- lt1 <- trunc(lt, "min")
> # add the rounded seconds to the truncated minutes
> lt1 <- lt1 + round.seconds
> # how does that look?
> return(data.frame(gps.timestamp, gps.timestamp.round=lt1))
> }
> # try it:
> f(gps.timestamp, 15)
> f(gps.timestamp, 30)
> f(gps.timestamp, 10)
> -P.
> **************************************************************
> Philip M. Hurvitz, PhD | Research Assistant Professor | UW-CBE
> Urban Form Lab | 1107 NE 45th Street, Suite 535 | Box 354802
> University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98195-4802, USA
> phurvitz at u.washington.edu | http://gis.washington.edu/phurvitz
> "What is essential is invisible to the eye." -de Saint-Exup?ry
> **************************************************************
>> I would use package chron and trunc()....
>> One example from the help of trunc.times (modified):
>> lirary(chron)
>> tt <- times(c("12:13:14", "15:46:17"))
>> trunc(tt, times("00:30:00"))
>> HTH
>> Jannis
>> --- Schatzi <adele_thompson at cargill.com> schrieb am Mo,
>>> Von: Schatzi <adele_thompson at cargill.com>
>>> Betreff: [R] Round down to earliest hour or half hour
>>> An: r-help at r-project.org
>>> Datum: Montag, 9. Mai, 2011 14:06 Uhr
>>> I have times and would like to round
>>> down to the earliest 30 minute
>>> increment. For instance, a time of
>>> 2011-04-28 09:02:00
>>> (the as.numeric value = 1303999320)
>>> I would like it to be rounded down to:
>>> 2011-04-28 09:00:00
>>> (the as.numeric value = 1303999200)
>>> Any ideas of how to do this?
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