On Fri, Jun 1, 2012 at 6:07 AM, Diana Marcela Martinez Ruiz
<dianammr06 at hotmail.com> wrote:>
> Hello forum,
> I
> want to do a test of independence
> with svychisq, but I
> get an error, then this my code:
> am18 <- ? read.spss("C:/Users/diana/Dropbox/Semestre
> 10/Tesis 10/Tesis Diana/AMcomuna18-29MAR2012.sav",
> ? use.value.labels=TRUE, max.value.labels=Inf,
> to.data.frame=TRUE)
> b<-matrix(c(am18$N6_MANZANA),ncol=1)
> c<-matrix(c(am18$PM1_1_PONDEMUESTRA),ncol=1)
> d<-matrix(c(am18$M1_3_ESTRATO),ncol=1)
> e<-matrix(c(rep(0.078,315)),ncol=1)
> Muestra.comp<-svydesign(id=~b,strata
> =~d,nest=TRUE,weights=~c,data=am18, fpc=~e)
> ocupacion
> <-matrix(c(am18$M1_19_OCUPACIONPRINCIPALACTUAL),ncol=1)
> APES<-matrix(c(am18$M3_11_AUTOPERCEPCIONSALUDGENERAL),ncol=1)
> tbl1<-svytable(~ocupacion+APES,Muestra.comp)
> summary(tbl1, statistic="Chisq")
> ? ? Error en
> `[.data.frame`(design$variables, , as.character(rows)) :
> ? ? ?undefined columns
> selected
> ?when I call am18 at the
> end says it is a data.frame
> (to.data.frame = TRUE))
> and by that I aprace error.
> I would appreciate help
> with this problem
Variables that you refer to with a formula have to be in the design object.
You don't need to turn the variables into matrices, so you could just do
or if you want shorter names, create renamed variables in the design object:
Muestra.comp <- update(Muestra.comp, ocupacion
Thomas Lumley
Professor of Biostatistics
University of Auckland