#--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- USDEUR.xts<-xts(USDEUR[,2:3], # columns with data USDEUR$Date) # column with date/time index USDEUR_sample.xts<-window(USDEUR.xts,end=as.Date("2012-03-25")) nobs<-length(USDEUR_sample.xts$Value) arima111_2<-arima(USDEUR_sample.xts$Value, # variable order=c(1,1,1), # (p,d,q) parameters xreg=1:nobs # additional regressors - here: linear trend ) fore_111 <- predict(arima111_2, n.ahead=5, newxreg=(nobs+1):(nobs+5)) # using xreg in model estimation #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Problem is that forecast starts at 1184. But my sample ends at 169. I would like to let start the forecast at 170, but I have no idea where to change this detail in the above code. Any idea? -- View this message in context: http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/Forecast-tp4631964.html Sent from the R help mailing list archive at Nabble.com.