Well, what do you want it to look like?
My first thought was topography, but that can't be right because you
don't need a three-dimensional array for that.
So tell us more. What does your array contain, what's its structure,
and what kind of visualization are you trying to get?
On Wed, May 30, 2012 at 8:57 AM, Marianna Chimienti
<mariannachimienti at gmail.com> wrote:> Hy guys,
> I have built a 3dimentional array that is meant to be a 3D landscape
> for my simulation game.
> Do you know if there is some package that allow me to plot the image?
> I am looking at all 3D plots but nothing seems to be right. Should I
> use the rgl package?
> Thank you very much
> Marianna
Sarah Goslee