Dear all, Could you please tell me how to do the division calculation in R? That is to say how to perform the operation of division in R software. Thank you! Xiaoc [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
Dear all, Sorry, I means if we must remove the nonparameter value then do the division calculation or there is any other ways to do? Thank you! Xiaoc 2012/5/6 xiaocong zuo <>> Dear all, > > Could you please tell me how to do the division calculation in R? That is > to say how to perform the operation of division in R software. > > Thank you! > > Xiaoc >[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
On Sun, May 06, 2012 at 05:19:30PM +0800, xiaocong zuo wrote:> Dear all, > > Sorry, I means if we must remove the nonparameter value then do the > division calculation or there is any other ways to do?Hello: Do you mean division of numbers, functions or some other objects? Division of numbers can be done simply with "/" or "%/%". 2/3 # [1] 0.6666667 10/3 # [1] 3.333333 10 %/% 3 # [1] 3 Please, clarify the question. Petr Savicky.