Hi all,
When I try to estimate the functional response of the Rogers type I
equation (for the mle2 you need the package bbmle):
> RogersIbinom <- function(N0,attackR2_B,u_B) {attackR2_B+u_B*N0}
> RogersI_B <-
I get following error message
Error in optim(par = c(4.5, 0.16), fn = function (p) :
function cannot be evaluated at initial parameters
Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong? I used estimate starting values
which were predicted with the nls function
RogersI_N <-
For some other models, I do the exact same thing and it works well, so I
don't understand why this one doesn't work........................
Kind regards,
Met vriendelijke groeten,
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Joachim Audenaert
Adviesdienst Gewasbescherming
Proefcentrum voor Sierteelt
Schaessestraat 18
B-9070 Destelbergen
Tel. +32 9 353 94 71
Fax +32 9 353 94 95
E-mail: joachim.audenaert@pcsierteelt.be
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