The following is an R run showing that it has read a
2000 point time series having two values at each time.
What is the simplest way to plot the data?
It seems like the whatever plot routine should be able to
make a rough utility plot from just the TS matrix.
Note that I am already using spec.pgram() for a periodogram,
but I want a rough utility plot before that.
> dta <- read.table("C:/ad/dta/TryRRead/pureCos2.rta", header
= TRUE, sep
> = ",", colClasses = "character")
> linDta = linearizeTime(dta);
original data looks like this:
CnYrMoDaHrMn P1440M9A1F0 P1440M9.125A2F.45 X
1 201002280000 10.00000 10.53921
2 201002280010 9.999048 10.59955
3 201002280020 9.996195 10.65709
4 201002280030 9.991445 10.71171
NA <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA>
1998 201003132050 9.675590 9.037761
1999 201003132100 9.707107 9.125000
2000 201003132110 9.737277 9.212239
[1] "BeforFindTimCol" "timTyp=" NA
AfterFindTimCol timTyp= 0 timCol= 1
0 timTyp= 0 timCol= 1 ncols= 3
[1] "got CAL type"
nrows= 2000 ncols= 3 timCol= 1 nch= 12 tlev= 1
[1] "delTm=" "10" "monoMn"
calendar changed to linear time: monoMn
monoMn P1440M9A1F0 P1440M9.125A2F.45
1 1057242240.0000000000 10.0000000000000000000 10.5392100000000006332
2 1057242250.0000000000 9.9990480000000001581 10.5995500000000006935
3 1057242260.0000000000 9.9961950000000001637 10.6570900000000001739
4 1057242270.0000000000 9.9914450000000005758 10.7117100000000000648
1998 1057262210.0000000000 9.6755899999999996908 9.0377609999999997115
1999 1057262220.0000000000 9.7071070000000005962 9.1250000000000000000
2000 1057262230.0000000000 9.7372770000000006263 9.2122390000000002885
linearized-time data delivered like this:
monoMn P1440M9A1F0 P1440M9.125A2F.45
1 1057242240.0000000000 10.0000000000000000000 10.5392100000000006332
2 1057242250.0000000000 9.9990480000000001581 10.5995500000000006935
3 1057242260.0000000000 9.9961950000000001637 10.6570900000000001739
4 1057242270.0000000000 9.9914450000000005758 10.7117100000000000648
1998 1057262210.0000000000 9.6755899999999996908 9.0377609999999997115
1999 1057262220.0000000000 9.7071070000000005962 9.1250000000000000000
2000 1057262230.0000000000 9.7372770000000006263 9.2122390000000002885
about to exit linearizeTime > spec.pgram(dta[2],log="no",taper=0,xlim=c(0,.05))
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