Hi friends,
I was trying to read a MySQL table and then converting to data.frame to
JSON format. Following is the code
con <- dbConnect("MySQL", host="localhost", user
="root", dbname = "myDB")
rs1 <- dbGetQuery(con, "select * from strawhats;")
json_rs <- toJSON(rs1);
But I get columns of the data.frame info in vector form as shown following.
> source("data.R")
id name position ambition
1 1 Monkey D Luffy Captain I Will become the pirate king
2 2 Roronoa zoro Swordman Become greatet swordman
3 3 Sanji Cook Find all blue
4 4 Nami Navigator Draw map of the world
5 5 Usopp Sniper Become greatest warrior
[1] "{\n \"id\": [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ],\n\"name\": [
\"Monkey D Luffy\",
\"Roronoa zoro\", \"Sanji\", \"Nami\",
\"Usopp\" ],\n\"position\": [
\"Captain\", \"Swordman\", \"Cook\",
\"Navigator\", \"Sniper\"
],\n\"ambition\": [ \"I Will become the pirate king\",
\"Become greatet
swordman\", \"Find all blue\", \"Draw map of the
world\", \"Become greatest
warrior\" ] \n}"
Is there any easy way to get data.frame information in row form. I mean, in
the following format
{ { id : 1, name: "Monkey D Luffy", position: "captain",
ambition: "I will
become the pirate king" } , {id: 2, name:"Roronoa zoro",
"swordman", ambition:"become greate swordman" } , { } , { },
{ } }
Please let me know if there is any way to do this.
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