Good afternoon, gentlemen! After several days studying and researching on categorical data (various forums with answers from the owner of the library - all incipient) how to interpret the output the function MCMCglmm, come to enlist the help of you, if someone has already worked with MCMCglmm function in the case of variables ordinal dependent. I've read and reread all the pdf's of the package, the coursenotes Jarrod, finally, I'm exhausted. To clarify the database, the treatment (called fases) consist of three levels (1-pre, 2-propolis and 3-vincris) and the ordinal variable response has three categories (1-normal, 2-agudo, 3 - cronico). See table! du <- transform(read.table('',h=T),FASES=factor(FASES),ALT.RENAIS=ordered(ALT.RENAIS)) summary(du) library('MCMCglmm') du <- subset(du, ALT.RENAIS != 'NA') tabela <- table(du[,c(2,4)]) tabela colnames(tabela) <- c('Normal','Aguda','Cr?nica') rownames(tabela) <- c('Pre','Propolis','Vincr') tabela #the mixed model: set.seed(1) mod1 <- MCMCglmm(ALT.RENAIS ~-1+FASES, random= ~ ANIMAIS, family='ordinal',pl=TRUE,data=du) summary(mod1) Then the pain starts, since the documentation is insufficient in this case. According to him Jarrod (forums), the a posteriori means of the coefficients of the covariates are the probit scale. According to my study, these coefficients are the scores of standard normal distribution. More scores should not correspond to cutpoints? In this case, we would have j (response variable categories) -1 cutpoints, ie, two cutpoints. The output shows me only one cutpoint. How can then calculate the probabilities with only one cutpoint? According to the documentation (Vignettes, page 22), if P (y = k) = F (yk | l (vlatente), 1) - F (yk-1 | l, 1), this '1' would probably be the category '1' of the dependent variable? Anyway gentlemen, how can I extract the probabilities for the stages for each category of the dependent variable? I thank everyone's attention. #Absurd results! latentv <- mean(mod1$Liab) cutpoint <- mean(mod1$CP) pnorm(-(latentv), 0, sqrt(2)) pnorm(cutpoint - (latentv),0, sqrt(2)) - pnorm((latentv),0, sqrt(2)) 1- pnorm(cutpoint - (latentv),0, sqrt(2)) #this would have a logical outcome to some extent, more would just be referring to category '1' of the dependent variable. And the other? bre <- c(mean(mod1$Liab),mean(mod1$Sol[,1]),mean(mod1$Sol[,2]),mean(mod1$Sol[,3])) pnorm(bre[2])-pnorm(bre[1]) pnorm(bre[3])-pnorm(bre[2]) pnorm(bre[4])-pnorm(bre[3])# negative probability? -- View this message in context: Sent from the R help mailing list archive at