Dear all, I use the function ctree() from the party library to calculate classification tree models. I want to validate models by 10-fold cross validation and estimate mean and standard deviation of correct classification rates (CCR) from the10 resulting confusion matrices. So far I use the ?write.table? command to export the 10 confusion matrices. However I would rather estimate mean and standard deviations of CCR?s for the three categories of the response variable directly in R from the 10 confusion matrices. for(i in 1:10){ # Randomly select 90% of observations to create training matrix, # using remaining 10% for testing; AKA k-fold, where k = 10. select2 <- sample(1:nrow(variablen), 0.9*nrow(variablen)) #fix(test2) train2 <- variablen[select2,] test2 <- variablen[-select2,] # Fit model on training data ctree.model <- ctree(TRANSITION ~ ., data = train2, controls ctree_control(mincriterion=0.99, teststat="quad", testtype="Bonferroni", minsplit = 100, minbucket= 30, stump = FALSE, nresample = 9999, maxsurrogate = 0, mtry = 0, savesplitstats = TRUE, maxdepth = 4), xtrafo = ptrafo, ytrafo = ptrafo, scores = NULL) # Create fitted values based on this model, but using test data PredCtree <- cbind(predict(ctree.model, newdata=test2, type="class")) # Create confusion matrix crosstabEval <- table(test2[,1], PredCtree) ConMa<-prop.table(crosstabEval, 1) write.table(ConMa, "E:/ConMa10.txt", append = FALSE, quote = TRUE, sep = " ") } Thanks for your for advice! Franziska