Hi All,
I am attempting to simulation an inventory model on R and I am having some
problems. I believe the problem is when I define my demand rate is stays
constant throughout so when I do need to reorder the model does not
recognise it as I have the initial supply arrival time set to infinity at
the start as no order has been played but I have an if statement saying, if
the level falls below a certain point then an order should be placed, I have
the expected time to order arrival set to be before the the sale but this is
not working.
Any Help would be appreciated. Thanks
maxStock = 100
minStock = 20
LAST = t.max
GetDemand<-function() START + runif(1,min=0,max=2)
main <- function(t.max,maxStock,minStock)
index = 0
t.current = START #### Starting Conditions
t.demand = START
t.supply = START
inventory = 50
order_costs = 0
storage_costs = 0
sales = 0
sum = list(inventory = 50,order_costs = 0,storage_costs = 0,sales =0)
while(index < LAST){
index = index + 1
t.demand = GetDemand() ### expected time to next sale
t.supply = Inf ### expected time to arrival of order, Infinity as order
has not been placed
t.next =min(t.demand,t.supply) ###next event either sale or supply is
the one with imminent arrival
k = maxStock - inventory
if(inventory > minStock)
t.supply = Inf ### expected time to arrival of order, Infinity as
order has not been placed
if(inventory > 0)
storage_costs = (t.next-t.current)*0.10*inventory
t.current = t.next
if (inventory < minStock)
{ ###Need to Order
k = maxStock - inventory
order_costs = 50 + 0.02*k
sum$order_costs = sum$order_costs + order_costs
t.supply = t.current + 1.0
if(t.current ==t.demand)
sum$inventory = sum$inventory - 1.0
####Sale made
sum$sales = sum$sales + 1.0
t.demand = runif(1,min=0,max=2)
if(t.current == t.supply)
{ ####Order Arrives
sum$inventory = sum$inventory + k
k = 0
t.supply = Inf
if(inventory < maxStock)
k = maxStock - inventory
sum$storage_costs = sum$storage_costs + storage_costs
sum$order_costs = sum$order_costs + order_costs
sum$inventory = sum$invneotry + k - sum$sales
sum$sales = sum$sales + sales
sum$sales = sum$sales + sales
sis = list(Time = index,StorageCosts
FinalInventoryLevel=sum$inventory,sales=sum$sales ,
AverageCosts =((sum$order_costs + sum$storage_costs)/index))
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