Ben Bolker pointed out in a response about max. likelihood estimation that
scaling is not available in nlminb
On 02/03/2012 06:00 AM, r-help-request at
wrote:> * if you were using one of the optimizing methods from optim() (rather
> than nlminb), e.g. L-BFGS-B, I would suggest you try using parscale to
> rescale the parameters to have approximately equal magnitudes near the
> solution. This apparently isn't possible with nlminb, but you could
> optimizer="optim" (the default), method="L-BFGS-B" and
see how you do
> (although L-BFGS-B is often a bit finicky). Alternatively, you can try
> optimizer="optimx", in which case you have a larger variety of
> unconstrained optimizers to choose from (you have to install the optimx
> package and take a look at its documentation). Alternatively, you can
> scale your input variables (e.g. use scale() on your input matrix to get
> zero-centered, sd 1 variables), although you would then have to adjust
> your lower and upper bounds accordingly.
This note is to mention that the R-forge version of optimx(), which I caution is
being developed, has introduced parameter scaling for all 15 optimizers
currently included
in the optimx() wrapper. Feedback and comments are welcome for this experimental
It is yet far from perfect, but progress is being made and will be accelerated
by input
from users. Developers of optimizers cannot anticipate all the obstacles users
will create
-- we need our programs put to hard tests. See
One goal of optimx is to provide a single syntax for calling all the optimizers.