I need help, the codes below estimates the weibull parameters with complete failure, my question is how do i change the state to include some censoring (may be right, type-I or type-II) to generate and estimate the parameters. thank you x=rweibull(10,2,2) library(survival) d<-data.frame(ob=c(x),state=1) s <- Surv(d$ob,d$state) sr <- survreg(s~1,dist="weibull") print(paste("beta =",1/sr$scale)) print(paste("eta =",exp(sr$coefficients[1]))) or library(MASS) set.seed(123) m <- replicate(1000, coef(fitdistr(rweibull(50, 0.8, 2), "weibull"))) summary(t(m)) [[alternative HTML version deleted]]