>From a fitted Cox model you can get the predicted survival curve for any
particular covariates. To do this make a dummy data set containing what
you want. For instance> dummy <- data.frame(MS=c('mated','virgin'),
laid =c(200,200))> survfit(F.cox.weight, newdata=dummy)
will create two curves for this particular weight/laid compbination. If
no newdata argument is given the routine uses the mean of each covariate
as the values for which to plot a curve. I know, it's often a terrible
default, but I bowed to history when creating the function. For a case
like yours in particular the mean of the 0/1 "MS" column in the X
does not correspond to a biological possibility -- you got the curve for
some sort of Frankenstein bug.
Terry T
----------------- begin included message ---------------
I am attempting to plot survival curves estimated by cox proportional
hazards regression model. The formula for the model is this:
F.cox.weight <- coxph(Surv(Lifespan, Status) ~ MS + Weight + Laid +
+ Weight:Laid, data = LongF)
MS = Mating status (mated/virgin)
Weight = adult female weight, continuous covariate
Laid = number of eggs laid by each female, continuous covariate
I want to plot female survival, as estimated by my model, by mating
and therefore two survival curves should be plotted. My code results in
survival curve bounded by, what I assume are confidence intervals.
My code for the plot is:
plot(survfit(F.cox.weight), lty=c(1,3), ylab = "Survivorship", xlab
legend(35,0.9,c("Mated","Virgin"), lty=c(1,3), bty =
The plot looks like this:
Probably a simple bit of code I'm missing!
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