I am using the wireframe function from lattice package. The problem that I have is very interesting. Namely, this is my code: x= seq(-pi, pi, len = 20) y=seq(-pi, pi, len = 20) xyz= expand.grid(x = x, y = y) xyz$z=sin(sqrt(xyz$x^2 +xyz$y^2)) trellis.par.set("axis.line",list(col="transparent")) trellis.par.set("panel", list(col="transparent")) trellis.par.set("panel.background", list(col="transparent")) graf=wireframe(z~x*y, data=xyz, scales=list(arrows=FALSE, cex=2, col="black", font=3, tck=1, z=list(tick.number=1), x=list(tick.number=3), y=list(tick.number=3), light.source=c(0,0,10), distance=1, pretty=FALSE), #, z=list(draw=FALSE) bg="white", perspective=TRUE, zoom=0.85, screen=list(z=-245, x=-75, y=0), colorkey=FALSE, col.regions=terrain.colors(255), aspect=c(1,1), par.box = list(col=1), border=FALSE, col=1, xlab=list("Length / [m]",rot=-49, cex=2.5, col="black"), ylab=list("Length / [m]",rot=10, cex=2.5, col="black"), zlab=list(label="Height / [m]", font=1, cex=2.5, rot=90, col="black"), shade=F, light.source=c(0,10,10), shade.colors=function(irr, ref, height, w=0.4) grey(w*irr+(1-w)*(1-(1-ref)^0.4)), zlim=range(seq(0,max(xyz$z), by=0.1)), drape=T ) print(graf) png(filename="Probe.png", width=900, height=900) print(graf) dev.off() On the R-graphics panel is no box around the picture but in the .png file it appears. How I can remove box around the picture in .png file? (The same thing happened with jpeg() function.) I will appriciated to any one who will help on this problem!!! Thanks in advance!" [[alternative HTML version deleted]]