On 21.01.2012 14:07, Jim_Comiskey at nps.gov wrote:>
> I want to create a barplot but need to rotate the labels:
> a<- c(1,2,3,4) ; b<- c(2,3,4,5); c<- c("Loblolly Pine",
"Oak Hickory",
> "Sweetgum", "Tulip Poplar")
> d = rbind (a,b)
> bar<- barplot(d , beside=TRUE)
> text(bar, par("usr")[3]-.0025,srt=45,adj=1,labels=c,xpd=TRUE)
Change to
Uwe Ligges
> I cannot figure out how to get the rotated labels to match up with grouped
> bars rather than individual bars - ie one label per group
> Cheers,
> Jim
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