I have question related to predicting mutiple response sequences and am not sure how to go about it. I have a training set of classifiers say T0, T1..TN and am trying to predict a sequence of results (say a timeseries), say R0, R1...Rx (R0, R1.etc may or may not be independent). How does one go about it using randomForest in R ? Any ideas ? I was thinking doing multiple runs and keep appending the training set with the completed predictors ? for example, Run0: training set = T0, T1...TN and predict result V0 Run1 training set = T0, T1...TN, R0 and predict result V1 Run2 training set = T0, T1,...TN,R0,R1 etc.. I am not sure if this makes sense or using randomForest to preduct multiple responses is possible ? Any ideas is much appreciated. [[alternative HTML version deleted]]