Respected Sir I tried the strucchange My data is attached. However I tried the attached commands (last save.txt) to perform Bai Perron 2003... I t worked well but in the end it is giving warning that overlapping confidence interval... I am not sure how to proceed... Please Help Me Thanking You Ayanendu Sanyal -- Please have a look at our new mission and contribute into it (cut and paste the link below in the address bar of your internet browser) Thanking you Ayanendu Sanyal PhD Scholar Institute for Social and Economic Change (ISEC) P.O- Nagarbhavi Bangalore-72 State- Karnataka Country- India PIN- 560072 -------------- next part -------------- t lnrpe 1 1.6113515 2 1.619601724 3 1.599889264 4 1.645954835 5 1.723777317 6 1.830606002 7 2.034751407 8 2.112377045 9 2.095050993 10 2.046822835 11 2.276628064 12 2.543864584 13 2.619425807 14 2.717786454 15 2.874537082 16 2.923223972 17 3.136825311 18 3.206377996 19 3.352655132 20 3.49032806 21 3.508602739 22 3.621768106 23 3.803617305 24 4.141727497 25 4.27471221 26 4.34523451 27 4.242555261 28 4.262046942 29 4.378894917 30 4.419018243 31 4.391496862 32 4.489015146 33 4.588180885 34 4.846861554 35 5.069645376 36 5.257766481 37 5.292695491 38 5.307844982 39 5.277006289 40 5.323613873 41 5.377629069 42 5.429256311 43 5.443411354 44 5.47242567 45 5.727392687 46 6.147054773 -------------- next part --------------> ayan <- read.table("ayan.txt", header=T) > x =read.table(file="ayan.txt",header=T) > library(strucchange) > bp.ayan <- breakpoints(x[["lnrpe"]] ~ x[["t"]]) > summary (bp.ayan)Optimal (m+1)-segment partition: Call: breakpoints.formula(formula = x[["lnrpe"]] ~ x[["t"]]) Breakpoints at observation number: m = 1 23 m = 2 23 33 m = 3 11 23 33 m = 4 11 23 33 40 m = 5 11 20 26 34 40 m = 6 8 14 20 26 34 40 Corresponding to breakdates: m = 1 0.5 m = 2 0.5 m = 3 0.239130434782609 0.5 m = 4 0.239130434782609 0.5 m = 5 0.239130434782609 0.434782608695652 0.565217391304348 m = 6 0.173913043478261 0.304347826086956 0.434782608695652 0.565217391304348 m = 1 m = 2 0.717391304347826 m = 3 0.717391304347826 m = 4 0.717391304347826 0.869565217391304 m = 5 0.739130434782609 0.869565217391304 m = 6 0.739130434782609 0.869565217391304 Fit: m 0 1 2 3 4 5 RSS 1.2131579 0.7466773 0.5243361 0.3570253 0.2712234 0.2589809 BIC -25.2008012 -36.0409283 -40.8160181 -47.0090984 -48.1669059 -38.8056613 m 6 RSS 0.2698858 BIC -25.4224766> plot (bp.ayan) > breakdates(bp.ayan)[1] 0.2391304 0.5000000 0.7173913 0.8695652> ci.ayan <- confint(bp.ayan) > breakdates(ci.ayan)2.5 % breakpoints 97.5 % 1 0.2173913 0.2391304 0.3260870 2 0.4782609 0.5000000 0.5217391 3 0.6956522 0.7173913 0.7391304 4 0.5434783 0.8695652 0.8913043 Warning message: Overlapping confidence intervals> ci.ayanConfidence intervals for breakpoints of optimal 5-segment partition: Call: confint.breakpointsfull(object = bp.ayan) Breakpoints at observation number: 2.5 % breakpoints 97.5 % 1 10 11 15 2 22 23 24 3 32 33 34 4 25 40 41 Corresponding to breakdates: 2.5 % breakpoints 97.5 % 1 0.2173913 0.2391304 0.3260870 2 0.4782609 0.5000000 0.5217391 3 0.6956522 0.7173913 0.7391304 4 0.5434783 0.8695652 0.8913043 Warning message: Overlapping confidence intervals
On Fri, 30 Dec 2011, Ayanendu Sanyal wrote:> Respected Sir > > I tried the strucchange > My data is attached. However I tried the attached commands (last > save.txt) to perform Bai Perron 2003... I t worked well but in the end > it is giving warning that overlapping confidence interval... I am not > sure how to proceed... Please Help MeOverlapping confidence intervals typically indicate that too many breakpoints were selected and/or the model does not fit well. In your case, the BIC selection is probably not the best solution. hth, Z> Thanking You > Ayanendu Sanyal > > -- > Please have a look at our new mission and contribute into it (cut and > paste the link below in the address bar of your internet browser) > > > > Thanking you > > Ayanendu Sanyal > PhD Scholar > Institute for Social and Economic Change (ISEC) > P.O- Nagarbhavi > Bangalore-72 > State- Karnataka > Country- India > PIN- 560072 > > > > >
Respected Sir The model I want to fit is logy= a + bt.... and then I want to do bai perron test (2003) but i tried every command it didnt worked out can you please tell me how to do it??? I know it is extremely ridiculous to ask this question... But I shall be very much obliged if you can help me thanking you Ayanendu Ps please ignore the previous mail On Sat, Dec 31, 2011 at 8:46 AM, Achim Zeileis <Achim.Zeileis at> wrote:> On Sat, 31 Dec 2011, Ayanendu Sanyal wrote: > >> Respected Sir >> >> Thank You for the ultra fast reply.... I changed the file and defined >> my data as time series and then ran 'strucchange'.... i have attached >> the lastsave1.txt file..... but the lines (ci.ayan) is not working.... >> Is the work ok???? please confirm .... I am not so much familar with >> this test... This time it didnt gave any warning message. > > > Now you fit a different model to your data (just a constant) which does not > seem to be very reasonable. You should use a regression model that makes > sense for the data - at least within every segment. > hth, > > Z > >> Ayan >> >> On Sat, Dec 31, 2011 at 2:45 AM, Achim Zeileis <Achim.Zeileis at> >> wrote: >>> >>> On Fri, 30 Dec 2011, Ayanendu Sanyal wrote: >>> >>>> Respected Sir >>>> >>>> I tried the strucchange >>>> My data is attached. However I tried the attached commands (last >>>> save.txt) to perform Bai Perron 2003... I t worked well but in the end >>>> it is giving warning that overlapping confidence interval... I am not >>>> sure how to proceed... Please Help Me >>> >>> >>> >>> Overlapping confidence intervals typically indicate that too many >>> breakpoints were selected and/or the model does not fit well. In your >>> case, >>> the BIC selection is probably not the best solution. >>> >>> hth, >>> >>> Z >>> >>>> Thanking You >>>> Ayanendu Sanyal >>>> >>>> -- >>>> Please have a look at our new mission and contribute into it (cut and >>>> paste the link below in the address bar of your internet browser) >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> Thanking you >>>> >>>> Ayanendu Sanyal >>>> PhD Scholar >>>> Institute for Social and Economic Change (ISEC) >>>> P.O- Nagarbhavi >>>> Bangalore-72 >>>> State- Karnataka >>>> Country- India >>>> PIN- 560072 >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>> >> >> >> >> -- >> Please have a look at our new mission and contribute into it (cut and >> paste the link below in the address bar of your internet browser) >> >> >> >> Thanking you >> >> Ayanendu Sanyal >> PhD Scholar >> Institute for Social and Economic Change (ISEC) >> P.O- Nagarbhavi >> Bangalore-72 >> State- Karnataka >> Country- India >> PIN- 560072 >> >> >> >> >> >-- Please have a look at our new mission and contribute into it (cut and paste the link below in the address bar of your internet browser) Thanking you Ayanendu Sanyal PhD Scholar Institute for Social and Economic Change (ISEC) P.O- Nagarbhavi Bangalore-72 State- Karnataka Country- India PIN- 560072 -- Please have a look at our new mission and contribute into it (cut and paste the link below in the address bar of your internet browser) Thanking you Ayanendu Sanyal PhD Scholar Institute for Social and Economic Change (ISEC) P.O- Nagarbhavi Bangalore-72 State- Karnataka Country- India PIN- 560072
Respected Sir I fitted that model... lnrpe= a+bt and conducted sup F test since autocorelation is present in the data and AIC as you mentioned might not .... Is it OK... Since I am not well versed with time series econometrics can you please tell me if the work is now correct or not -- Please have a look at our new mission and contribute into it (cut and paste the link below in the address bar of your internet browser) Thanking you Ayanendu Sanyal PhD Scholar Institute for Social and Economic Change (ISEC) P.O- Nagarbhavi Bangalore-72 State- Karnataka Country- India PIN- 560072 -------------- next part -------------- lnrpe 1.6113515 1.619601724 1.599889264 1.645954835 1.723777317 1.830606002 2.034751407 2.112377045 2.095050993 2.046822835 2.276628064 2.543864584 2.619425807 2.717786454 2.874537082 2.923223972 3.136825311 3.206377996 3.352655132 3.49032806 3.508602739 3.621768106 3.803617305 4.141727497 4.27471221 4.34523451 4.242555261 4.262046942 4.378894917 4.419018243 4.391496862 4.489015146 4.588180885 4.846861554 5.069645376 5.257766481 5.292695491 5.307844982 5.277006289 5.323613873 5.377629069 5.429256311 5.443411354 5.47242567 5.727392687 6.147054773 -------------- next part -------------- R version 2.14.1 (2011-12-22) Copyright (C) 2011 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing ISBN 3-900051-07-0 Platform: i386-pc-mingw32/i386 (32-bit) R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details. Natural language support but running in an English locale R is a collaborative project with many contributors. Type 'contributors()' for more information and 'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications. Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or 'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help. Type 'q()' to quit R.> source("C:\\Documents and Settings\\ayaendu\\My Documents\\struc.R")Loading required package: MASS Loading required package: nnet Loading required package: survival Loading required package: splines Loading required package: zoo Attaching package: ?zoo? The following object(s) are masked from ?package:base?: as.Date, as.Date.numeric Loading required package: sandwich Warning message: Overlapping confidence intervals> ayan <- read.table("ayan.txt", header=T) ## Fetching files saved in My documents > ayan = ts(ayan, start=1, frequency=1) ## Setting the data into time series data > trend = time (ayan) ## defining the explanatory variable > reg = lm(ayan~trend) ## regression lnrpe= a+bt > summary (reg) ## regression results summaryCall: lm(formula = ayan ~ trend) Residuals: Min 1Q Median 3Q Max -0.35086 -0.11196 -0.01008 0.09193 0.38507 Coefficients: Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) (Intercept) 1.345373 0.049774 27.03 <2e-16 *** trend 0.101771 0.001844 55.19 <2e-16 *** --- Signif. codes: 0 ?***? 0.001 ?**? 0.01 ?*? 0.05 ?.? 0.1 ? ? 1 Residual standard error: 0.166 on 44 degrees of freedom Multiple R-squared: 0.9858, Adjusted R-squared: 0.9854 F-statistic: 3046 on 1 and 44 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16> library (car) ## loading package to do dwtest > library (strucchange) ## loading package to do structural break > library (lmtest) ## loading package to do dwtest > dwtest (reg) ## for testing serial auto correrelationDurbin-Watson test data: reg DW = 0.4157, p-value = 1.405e-12 alternative hypothesis: true autocorrelation is greater than 0> bp.ayan <- breakpoints(ayan ~ trend) ## searching for break points > summary (bp.ayan) ## checking the breakpoints and minimum AIC levelOptimal (m+1)-segment partition: Call: breakpoints.formula(formula = ayan ~ trend) Breakpoints at observation number: m = 1 23 m = 2 23 33 m = 3 11 23 33 m = 4 11 23 33 40 m = 5 11 20 26 34 40 m = 6 8 14 20 26 34 40 Corresponding to breakdates: m = 1 23 m = 2 23 33 m = 3 11 23 33 m = 4 11 23 33 40 m = 5 11 20 26 34 40 m = 6 8 14 20 26 34 40 Fit: m 0 1 2 3 4 5 RSS 1.2131579 0.7466773 0.5243361 0.3570253 0.2712234 0.2589809 BIC -25.2008012 -36.0409283 -40.8160181 -47.0090984 -48.1669059 -38.8056613 m 6 RSS 0.2698858 BIC -25.4224766> ci.ayan <- confint(bp.ayan)## confidence interval for the test > breakdates (ci.ayan)2.5 % breakpoints 97.5 % 1 10 11 15 2 22 23 24 3 32 33 34 4 25 40 41 Warning message: Overlapping confidence intervals> ci.ayan ## displays the confidence intervalConfidence intervals for breakpoints of optimal 5-segment partition: Call: confint.breakpointsfull(object = bp.ayan) Breakpoints at observation number: 2.5 % breakpoints 97.5 % 1 10 11 15 2 22 23 24 3 32 33 34 4 25 40 41 Corresponding to breakdates: 2.5 % breakpoints 97.5 % 1 10 11 15 2 22 23 24 3 32 33 34 4 25 40 41 Warning message: Overlapping confidence intervals> fs.ayan <- Fstats(ayan~trend, data = ayan, from = 0.1) ##sup F test h=0.1 trimming parameter > plot (fs.ayan) > bp3 <- breakpoints(ayan ~ trend,breaks=3)## searching for break points with breakpoints assumed as three since AIC min can overestimate in presence of serial auto corelation > summary (bp3)## checking the break pointsOptimal (m+1)-segment partition: Call: breakpoints.formula(formula = ayan ~ trend, breaks = 3) Breakpoints at observation number: m = 1 23 m = 2 23 33 m = 3 11 23 33 Corresponding to breakdates: m = 1 23 m = 2 23 33 m = 3 11 23 33 Fit: m 0 1 2 3 RSS 1.2131579 0.7466773 0.5243361 0.3570253 BIC -25.2008012 -36.0409283 -40.8160181 -47.0090984> ci.ayan1 <- confint(bp3)## confidence interval for the test when break points are 3 > breakdates (ci.ayan1) ## displays the confidence interval2.5 % breakpoints 97.5 % 1 10 11 15 2 22 23 24 3 32 33 34> ci.ayan1 ## displays the confidence interval for three breaksConfidence intervals for breakpoints of optimal 4-segment partition: Call: confint.breakpointsfull(object = bp3) Breakpoints at observation number: 2.5 % breakpoints 97.5 % 1 10 11 15 2 22 23 24 3 32 33 34 Corresponding to breakdates: 2.5 % breakpoints 97.5 % 1 10 11 15 2 22 23 24 3 32 33 34> plot (ayan) ## plots the series > lines (ci.ayan1) ## shows the breaks and the CIs for three breaks > >
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