Sonja Braaker
2011-Dec-02 13:39 UTC
[R] Save Venn-diagram (Vennerable) together with table and plot in single pdf page
Dear R-users I want to save a list with characters a point plot and a Venn diagram in a single pdf page. I am successful to do this when I use a character list and two point plots. However when I try to replace the first point plots with my Venn diagram (built with Vennerable package, compute.Venn() and plot.Venn()) the Venn plot will not position at the right place in the pdf. I guess there are some parameters in the plot.Venn function, that I need to change but I did not find out which ones. Here an example of the pdf with two point plots as I want it: library(gplots) library(Vennerable) Varnames<-c("A","B","C") x <- Venn(SetNames = Varnames,Weight = c(`100`=2,`010`=6,`001`=10,`110`=1, `011`=0.2, `101`=0.5,`111`=1)) cx<-compute.Venn(x,doWeights = TRUE) tabletext<-paste("Variable: ",letters[1:8],sep="") pdf("path/plot_test.pdf", fillOddEven=TRUE,paper="a4", onefile=TRUE,width=7,height=10) layout(matrix(c(1,2,2,1,2,2,3,3,3), 3, 3, byrow = TRUE),heights=c(1,1,2)) par(mar=c(6,2,2,4)) textplot(tabletext,valign="top",halign="left",cex=2) plot(rnorm(100),main="Random 1") plot(rnorm(100),col="red",main="Random2") And here the example of the pdf with where I try to replace the "Random1" point plot with a Venn diagram (wrong size and position of Venn diagram): pdf("path/venn_test.pdf", fillOddEven=TRUE,paper="a4", onefile=TRUE,width=7,height=10) layout(matrix(c(1,2,2,1,2,2,3,3,3), 3, 3, byrow = TRUE),heights=c(1,1,2)) par(mar=c(6,2,2,4)) textplot(tabletext,valign="top",halign="left",cex=2) plot(cx) plot(rnorm(100),col="red",main="Random2") Would be thankful for any hints Sonja -- Sonja Braaker Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL Community Ecology Z?rcherstrasse 111 CH-8903 Birmensdorf Tel. +41 44 7392 230 Fax +41 44 7392 215 sonja.braaker at