Hello R-helpers, I'm looking for a way to rename strips in lattice plots when I have more than one conditionning variable. Here's a dummy example taken from http://casoilresource.lawr.ucdavis.edu/drupal/node/510 library(lattice) f <- function(a, b, x) {p <- (exp(a + b*x)) / (1 + exp(a + b*x))} x.seq <- seq(-5, 5, by=0.5) x <- rep(x.seq, 9) a.seq <- c(-2, 0, 2) b.seq <- c(-1, -0.5, -0.25) d <- expand.grid(a=a.seq, b=b.seq, x=x.seq, KEEP.OUT.ATTRS=FALSE) d$p <- f(d$a,d$b,d$x) rx <- runif(min=-5, max=5, n=20) rd <- expand.grid(a=a.seq, b=b.seq, x=rx, KEEP.OUT.ATTRS=FALSE) rd$rp <- rbinom(n=length(rd$x), 1, 0.5) d$rp <- NA rd$p <- NA dd <- make.groups(d, rd) xyplot(p + rp ~ x | factor(a) + factor(b), data=dd, ylab='Probability', xlab='Predictor Variable', panel=panel.superpose, distribute.type=TRUE, col=c(1,2), lwd=c(2,1), type=c('l','p'), pch=c(NA, '|') ) Simply put, what I'd like to be able to do is change the strip names to include for example "a=-2","a=0","a=2" and "b=-1","b=-0.5","b=0.25" In advance thanks for helping. Cheers, David Gouache ARVALIS - Institut du Végétal Service Génétique Physiologie et Protection des Plantes IBP - Université Paris Sud Rue de Noetzlin - Bât. 630 91405 - ORSAY CEDEX (Adresse Postale) 91190 - GIF SUR YVETTE (Adresse GPS, livraison) Tél : +33.(0) Port : +33.(0) Fax : +33.(0) [[alternative HTML version deleted]]