No. But it has not been posted either.
You got that message because you sent your message to
the wrong address. You should have sent it to
r-help at
You had probably sent it to
r-help-request at
which would have had the effect that the server would have
tried to interpret the contents of you message as commands
(e.g. to unsubscribe, change your subscription options, etc.),
except that the contents of your message are not meaningful
as commands to r-help-request.
So you should send your message again, and this time to the
correct address!
However, since it seems that your email address
lafaye at
is not subscribed to the list, when you do send it you will
receive a notification that it has been held for moderation
because it has been posted by a non-member to a members-only
list. After a while (depending on when a moderator next looks
at the heldmessages) it will be approved and will go out to
the list. You can save yourself this trouble by subscribing
your email address to the r-help list. Visit:
and following the instructions in the section "Subscribing
to R-help".
Hoping this helps,
On 13-Nov-11 17:05:46, Lafaye de Micheaux wrote:> Dear moderator,
> Can you tell me if this means that my email has been rejected?
> Best
> Pierre
> Le 13/11/2011 11:54, r-help-owner at a ?crit :
>> The results of your email command are provided below. Attached is your
>> original message.
>> - Unprocessed:
>> I am working on a 64 bits Linux system.
>> I issue the following R commands:
>> > rm(list=ls()) # To remove all objects in the workspace.
>> > gc() # To free memory.
>> used (Mb) gc trigger (Mb) max used (Mb)
>> Ncells 124250 6.7 350000 18.7 350000 18.7
>> Vcells 124547 1.0 786432 6.0 476934 3.7
>> > gc() # I had to do it again, don't know why!
>> used (Mb) gc trigger (Mb) max used (Mb)
>> Ncells 124257 6.7 350000 18.7 350000 18.7
>> Vcells 124574 1.0 786432 6.0 476934 3.7
>> > gc() # Just to be sure things have stabilized.
>> used (Mb) gc trigger (Mb) max used (Mb)
>> Ncells 124257 6.7 350000 18.7 350000 18.7
>> Vcells 124574 1.0 786432 6.0 476934 3.7
>> > x<- as.integer(3)
>> > object.size(x)
>> 48 bytes
>> > gc() # To free memory.
>> used (Mb) gc trigger (Mb) max used (Mb)
>> Ncells 124255 6.7 350000 18.7 350000 18.7
>> Vcells 124550 1.0 786432 6.0 476934 3.7
>> - Ignored:
>> > gc() # I had to do it again, don't know why!
>> used (Mb) gc trigger (Mb) max used (Mb)
>> Ncells 124259 6.7 350000 18.7 350000 18.7
>> Vcells 124575 1.0 786432 6.0 476934 3.7
>> > gc() # Just to be sure things have stabilized.
>> used (Mb) gc trigger (Mb) max used (Mb)
>> Ncells 124259 6.7 350000 18.7 350000 18.7
>> Vcells 124575 1.0 786432 6.0 476934 3.7
>> My questions are:
>> 1) Why should I use the command gc() two times before the values
>> displayed do not change anymore?
>> 2) object.size(x) is 48 bytes on my system. As I understand it,
>> this is
>> 8 bytes for storing the value 3L and 40 bytes (on my 64 bits OS)
>> to
>> store the header of x. Am-I right? (Note that I understand it
>> would be
>> the same for x<- c(3L,4L))
>> 3) If 2) is OK, then you can see that Ncells increased by 2 units
>> and
>> Vcells by 1 unit.
>> I think that 1 unit of Vcells = 8 bytes. Is it TRUE? (This is
>> written in
>> help(gc))
>> And in my mind, 1 unit of Ncells should be 20 bytes, so that:
>> 1 unit of Vcells + 2 units of Ncells = 8 + 2*20 = 48, the size of
>> x as
>> returned by the command object.size(x).
>> BUT, when you look at help(gc), one can read:
>> ?gc? returns a matrix with rows ?"Ncells"? (_cons
>> usually
>> 28 bytes each on 32-bit systems and 56 bytes on 64-bit systems,
>> So, can you please help me to undertsand all of this?
>> Thanks in advance.
>> Best regards,
>> Pierre
>> --
>> Pierre Lafaye de Micheaux
>> Adresse courrier:
>> D?partement de Math?matiques et Statistique
>> Universit? de Montr?al
>> CP 6128, succ. Centre-ville
>> Montr?al, Qu?bec H3C 3J7
>> Adresse physique:
>> D?partement de Math?matiques et Statistique
>> Bureau 4249, Pavillon Andr?-Aisenstadt
>> 2920, chemin de la Tour
>> Montr?al, Qu?bec H3T 1J4
>> T?l.: (00-1) 514-343-6607 / Fax: (00-1) 514-343-5700
>> lafaye at
>> - Done.
> --
> Pierre Lafaye de Micheaux
> Adresse courrier:
> D?partement de Math?matiques et Statistique
> Universit? de Montr?al
> CP 6128, succ. Centre-ville
> Montr?al, Qu?bec H3C 3J7
> Adresse physique:
> D?partement de Math?matiques et Statistique
> Bureau 4249, Pavillon Andr?-Aisenstadt
> 2920, chemin de la Tour
> Montr?al, Qu?bec H3T 1J4
> T?l.: (00-1) 514-343-6607 / Fax: (00-1) 514-343-5700
> lafaye at
E-Mail: (Ted Harding) <ted.harding at>
Fax-to-email: +44 (0)870 094 0861
Date: 13-Nov-11 Time: 17:23:07
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