On 09.11.2011 04:42, Dan Zhou wrote:> Hi,
> So I have everything written out. I used R-studio (same as R console
> but with an IDE) and I had no trouble calling upon and opening the csv
> file for computation.
> However, when I try to run my code in plain old R, it says that the
> file could not be located. Heres my code:
> func<- function(filename, int) {
> Data<- read.csv("sample.csv", header = TRUE)
> attach(Data, warn.conflicts = FALSE)
> ...........
> ..........
> }
> I made sure that sample file was in the same directory.
Which "same" directory? Have you checked getwd() before running
> I even tried
> inputting the entire file location "C:\Users..."
But hopefully not that way. You need to escape backslahes as in
"c:\\Users" or, much easiest, use forwward slahes. See the R for
Uwe Ligges
> Please help. Thanks
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