Hello I am analysing aboveground biomass data from revegetation testplots which I constructed in a split-plot design using the function lme. For the experiment, the three factors are amelioration (2 levels), fertilizer (2 levels) and treatment (7 levels). Each testplot (block) has a singlereplicate of each treatment (total of 8 testplots). The blocks were constructed of topsoil. Each block was divided in two subplots in which half were ameliorated the other half was not (amelioration - yes or no). Each subplot was divided again into two subplots (fertilizer - yes or no). Then for eachfertilizer subplot, the area was divided into 7 seeding treatments (treatments). I have transformed my data to meet model assumptions and simplified my model using stepwise elimination. Here is my minimal model: fm13<- lme(sqrt(abovegroundbiomass.m.2)~amelioration+fertilizer+treatment,random=~1|block, method="ML",na.action = na.omit) Here is a summary output: summary(fm13)$tTable Value Std.Error DF t-value p-value (Intercept) 1.6196612 0.9058574 100 1.7879869 7.680688e-02 ameliorationyes 1.0155789 0.5970789 100 1.7009125 9.206718e-02 fertilizeryes 4.3153841 0.5970789 100 7.2274943 9.985161e-11 treatmentelymgla ecovar 5.0125584 1.1170323 100 4.4873891 1.931291e-05 treatmentelymgla local 2.7699072 1.1170323 100 2.4797020 1.482059e-02 treatmentfestsax ecovar 0.6953266 1.1170323 100 0.6224768 5.350453e-01 treatmentlupiarc local 1.1391840 1.1170323 100 1.0198309 3.102696e-01 treatmentnativemix ecovar 2.1091683 1.1170323 100 1.8881892 6.189917e-02 treatmentnativemix local 3.2103166 1.1170323 100 2.8739694 4.951797e-03 I would like to obtain the back-transformed estimates but I cannot seem to find the a way to do this. I have a copy of Crawley (The R Book) but could not find instructions on how to back-transform in lme. I have also look for a copy of Zuur (Mixed Effects Models and Extensions in Ecology with R) but cannot seem to obtain a copy. Any guidance in how to backtranform these estimates would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. Allan CarsonGraduate StudentUniversity of Northern British Columbia [[alternative HTML version deleted]]