I would like to add a legend to my Pie chart but I don't seem to get this working: Below is my code, this is done on Rpy2. grdevices = importr('grDevices') grdevices.png(file=FileNameLocation, width=1400, height=1000) Robjects.r.par(mar=[1, 0, 2, 12], cex=1.0) Robjects.r.pie(Robjects.IntVector(values), labels=names, col=Robjects.r.rainbow(colors)) Robjects.r.title("Therapeutic Influence of analysed phytochemcials/plants") Robjects.r.legend(Robjects.StrVector(names),"NULL",names) grdevices.dev_off() -- Regards/Groete/Mit freundlichen Grüßen/recuerdos/meilleures salutations/ distinti saluti/siong/duì yú/привет Jurgens de Bruin [[alternative HTML version deleted]]