Hi I have tried to estimate race winning probabilities with mlogit in R. I have different amount of contestors in the races and mlogit has a bug so that in those situations the mlogit does not work. So i tried to add dummy contestors to the race so that every race has an equal amount of contestors. The problem is that the dummies infect the estimates. In the attached excel file i have an examble of the situation. The first sheet has no dummies and the second sheet has the same information but dummies are added. When i run mlogit as followin library(RODBC) library(mlogit) library(foreign) z<-odbcConnectExcel("D:\\Testi2.xls") y<-sqlFetch(z,"eidummyj?") Mallidata=mlogit.data(y,choice="Voittaja",shape="long",id.var="P?iv?jal?ht?",alt.var="Kilpailunumero") summary(mlogit(Voittaja ~ Onkokaikkikeng?tpois + Onkoosakengist?jalassa+ OurChoicedummy +MvaiN+OvaiR+Log-1 , data=Mallidata)) Coefficients : Estimate Std. Error t-value Pr(>|t|) Onkokaikkikeng?tpois -16.7722 25041.3517 -0.0007 0.9995 Onkoosakengist?jalassa 38.9587 8371.6220 0.0047 0.9963 OurChoicedummy 39.5846 26049.3329 0.0015 0.9988 MvaiN -41.4435 10733.2019 -0.0039 0.9969 OvaiR 58.0948 11534.2609 0.0050 0.9960 Log -6.5563 4870.5160 -0.0013 0.9989 Log-Likelihood: -1.5546e-07 And the dummies run Coefficients : Estimate Std. Error t-value Pr(>|t|) Onkokaikkikeng?tpois -15.4053 31857.0476 -0.0005 0.9996 Onkoosakengist?jalassa 40.0112 17493.0896 0.0023 0.9982 OurChoicedummy 39.3606 34019.6023 0.0012 0.9991 MvaiN -40.4852 13794.8400 -0.0029 0.9977 OvaiR 57.0165 14268.6747 0.0040 0.9968 Log -5.5429 9380.3919 -0.0006 0.9995 Log-Likelihood: -1.7162e-07 So the likelihoods are different and estimates also. How should i add the dummies or is there some other way of doing this...? Ville