hello, i am so glad to write you. i am dealing now with writing my M.Sc in Applied Statistics thesis, titled " Data Mining Classifiers and Predictive Models Validation and Evaluation". I am planning to compare several DM classifiers like "NN, kNN, SVM, Dtree, and Naïve Bayes" according to their Predicting accuracy, interpretability, scalability, and time consuming etc. I have faced a problem when I am writing the classification table using R The problem is facing me at the last command. The error is : " tab <- table(pred = prediction, true = testset[,7]) Error in table(pred = prediction, true = testset[, 7]) : all arguments must have the same length" can you explain me the error please. When I apply the code at iris data it works perfect. But when I use fish data at rrcov library I am facing this error. Thanx a lot in advanced Mohammed Here is the code for modifying library (rrcov) data(fish) library(e1071) names(fish) [1] "Weight" "Length1" "Length2" "Length3" "Height" "Width" "Species" model <- svm(Species~., data=fish,type="C") print(model) summary(model) index <- 1:nrow(fish) testindex <- sample(index, trunc(length(index)*30/100)) testset <- fish[testindex,] trainset <- fish[-testindex,] model <- svm(Species~., data = trainset) prediction <- predict(model, testset[,-7]) tab <- table(pred = prediction, true = testset[,7]) Error in table(pred = prediction, true = testset[, 7]) : all arguments must have the same length the same error I found when using the naïvebayes classifier library(e1071) library(class) data(fish) summary(fish) classifier<-naiveBayes(fish[,1:6], fish[,7]) table(predict(classifier, fish[,-7]), fish[,7]) Error in table(predict(classifier, fish[, -7]), fish[, 7]) : all arguments must have the same length [[alternative HTML version deleted]]