Dear R users, I work with Matlab & R simultaneously. Usually I used to read successfully mat files (cell, structure, etc.) into R, till Matlab 2011b release. For reading mat files (or maybe I should say, converting it into R variable or structure) I’m using *readMat* (from “R.matlab” package). Even saving mat files in one of the previous formats (which can bet set in preference panel) didn’t resolve my problem. When I want to load mat file, created by Matlab 2011b release by using following commands: *require(R.matlab)* *require(utils)* *require(Rcompression)* * * *dataPath<- Q:/data/mat”;* *matList<-list.files(path = dataPath) * *matQuantity<-length(matList)* *MatFile<-readMat(file.path(paste(c(dataPath,’/’,matList[1]),collapse=””)), sparseMatrixClass=”matrix”);* * * my CPU usage is increasing even till 100% but memory usage stays very low. File is not finally loaded. This whole operation do not return any error, warning, etc. You can wait forever (even if file is small size) My “R.matlab” package is updated, I’ve tried to run this also in R releases: 2.13.0, 2.13.1, 2.13.2, without success. My system is MS Windows 7, 64bit. Please let me know, If you have a idea what could cause this mat-file reading troubles. -- Regards, Beata [[alternative HTML version deleted]]