Dear list, I ran a conditional frailty model with an interaction term (see below). To interpret the interaction term, I would like to produce plots that reflect how does a moderator variable (“ecogr”) shape the effect of the other interacted variable (“elderly”). condfrailty.gamma.em <-coxph(Surv(evst,evdur,pere) ~ ecogr+ elderly+ elderly_ecogr+strata(strata)+ frailty(country,distribution="gamma",method="em"), method=c("efron"),data=ret) summary(condfrailty.gamma.em) plot(condfrailty.gamma.em,fun=”cumhaz”, lty=1, ylab=””,xlab=””,ylim=c(0,4)) However, the plot command after this function only produces the hazard rate for each event strata. Is there a syntax to produce a single hazard rate for all the strata? Moreover, is it possible to obtain hazard rates for specific ranges in the independent variables? I would like to produce two plots. Plot #1 would provide the rates when “ecogr” is below its mean and “elderly” is, respectively, one standard deviation above and one below its mean.Plot #2 would provide the rates when “ecogr” is above its mean and “elderly” is, respectively, one standard deviation above and below its mean. Thanks, Juan [[alternative HTML version deleted]]