On 09/24/2011 08:55 AM, henry wrote:> Greetings,
> I am trying to use Reference Class methods in Snowfall, using R 2.12.1
> on Ubuntu Natty. Using then directly seems to work (stanza 2 below), but
> using them indirectly does not (stanza 3 below). I get an "attempt to
> apply non-function" error.
> In addition to exporting the instance of the object I created to the
> Snowfall slaves, I also made several attempts to export the method
> itself (e.g. sfExport("instance$method") or some such), with no
> Very strangely, if I run Stanza 2 below, then stanza 3 will work.
> I tried emailing the Snowfall author, but have not heard back. Any help
> is greatly appreciated!
> Henry Bryant
> Texas A&M University
> library("snowfall")
> library("methods")
> # set up a simple reference class
> calculator <- setRefClass("calculator")
> calculator$methods(do_calc = function(x) {print(x*x)})
> my_calc <- calculator$new()
> wrapper <- function(x) {my_calc$do_calc(x)}
> # STANZA 2: use snowfall without wrapper -- WORKING
> #sfInit(parallel=TRUE, cpus=2, type="SOCK")
> #sfExport("calculator")
> #sfExport("my_calc")
> #results <- sfLapply(1:10,my_calc$do_calc)
> #sfStop()
> #print(results)
> # STANZA 3: use snowfall with wrapper -- NOT WORKING
> # (not working by itself, but does work if the previous stanza is run
> first!!)
> sfInit(parallel=TRUE, cpus=2, type="SOCK")
> sfExport("calculator")
> sfExport("my_calc")
> sfExport("wrapper")
> last_results <- sfLapply(1:10,wrapper)
Hi Henry --
The problem here is that references classes implement their methods in a
kind of 'lazy' way -- my_calc$do_calc doesn't exist until it's
invoked for the first time, so when you
you export the object but "do_calc" is defined as NULL
> sfClusterEval(my_calc$do_calc)
This seems to be a variant of the problem experienced elsewhere
The solutions seem mostly ugly, e.g., to evaluate locally
> my_calc$do_calc
and then sfExport, or maybe a bit better as
calculator <- setRefClass("calculator")
initialize = function(...) {
.self$do_calc # force definition
do_calc = function(x) x*x)
I'm unclear about whether there are other aspects of the reference class
implementation that tie the instance to the class definition in a way
that would undermine parallel evaluation.
Also in general it seems better to write truly 'functional programming'
style functions that don't rely on aspects of the environment to work,
wrapper <- function(x, calc) calc$do_calc(x)
sfLapply(1:10, wrapper, my_calc)
> sfStop()
> print(last_results)
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